Committee Descriptions

Committees at MFS

Baking Committee: 
Shall be in charge of providing homemade baked goods or appetizers for various events including: Fall Social, Liz’s Day, Halloween Fundraiser, United Methodist Church Fall & Spring Fairs and Truck Day.

Class Parent: 
Shall assist classroom teacher with helping parent calendar and responsible for collecting for class gifts.  Communicate and coordinate with parents on classroom events and other related activities.

Shall assist with the periodic cleaning of MFS spaces or after school events.

Clerical Committee: 
Shall help director with office administrative work, wrapping of holiday & end of year gifts given to each student.

Fall Social Committee:
Shall plan and execute class artwork for auction at Fall Social Event including set-up and organize event for all attendees.

Field Day Committee:
Shall plan, execute and attend the end of the year party for the entire school, which takes place in June.

Fundraising Committee: 
Comprised of subcommittees for fundraising events such as, Halloween Party, Spring Parent’s Night Out. Shall assist Chairperson in fundraising activities throughout the year. Must be able to attend event of subcommittee.


Grant Writing Committee: 
Shall assist in research for eligible grants for MFS along with writing of proposals with the assistance of the director.

Shall help MFS with seasonal maintenance activities, such as, snow removal, planting, fixing and other handy work needed in the building.

Publicity & Publishing Committee: 
Shall gather articles from teachers, Director, President, Treasurer, parents, Fundraising Chairperson, and all other committee chairs to type and publish the newsletter three times a year. Responsible for promoting MFS events via posts and photos on social media.

Purchasing Committee:
Shall purchase and deliver to the classroom the juice, snacks and paper goods as needed (Costco/BJ’s card needed).

Special Events Committee:
Shall help plan and organize various Floral Park events to promote MFS.  Comprised of subcommittees for (1) the Halloween Parade, (2) Liz’s Day, (3) Memorial Day parade (May) & (4) Truck Day (May). Must be able to attend event of subcommittee.