School News

My First School News Letter 2021

Message From the Executive Board President

Dear My First School Families,

I cannot believe the end of the school year is here already! It has not been easy, but I am so proud of how well our children have done not only acclimating to their classroom routines but handling the additional Covid protocols as well. I have to admit, I was nervous about how everything would come together in September. Thanks to the hard work, dedication and commitment made by the teachers and staff it truly has been a successful year! Seeing my daughter’s enthusiasm going to school and her big smile at pick up, made me realize that sending her was absolutely the right decision.

My First School is such a special place and it warms my heart to see lots of the Spring traditions continue. Watching caterpillars turn into butterflies and eggs hatch into chicks continues to amaze our kids and teach them important lessons too! It was tough not having the opportunity to witness these events first hand as a helping parent but the teachers and assistants did a great job updating the Homeroom app. Homeroom helped me to stay connected with everything that took place in Cynthia’s classroom. Every afternoon I really enjoyed sitting together and looking at the classroom pictures and videos taken earlier that day.

Bravo to the teachers, assistants, staff, and director Jen for all your efforts to make this a successful school year.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and well deserved summer vacation!

Lois Katcher

MFS Executive Board President

Fall 2020 Newsletter


The M/T/Th/F AM Threes
The M/T/ TH/F Pre-K

It’s hard to believe the end of the year has come already. Our Threes and Pre-K classes have been extremely busy celebrating the exciting arrival of spring and time has simply flown by!

We recently completed our units on living things, in addition to caterpillars and butterflies. We actually had the opportunity to “raise” young caterpillars and watch them transform into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies! All of the children were so excited to release them on a recent beautiful spring day in Heritage Park, otherwise known as “The Gazebo Park”, and in front of My First School singing our special butterfly song as they took off! Some of us even had the chance to touch the butterflies before they flew away and give them a much closer look without any netting between us from their butterfly gardens they were kept in. We even created many crafts to honor their life cycle and new found freedom! This was most definitely a unit that was enjoyed by the teachers as much as all of the  children in both of our classes!

We wish our parents and students, The Executive Board and our fellow teachers a wonderful, warm and safe summer. We look forward to seeing those of you who will move up to our Pre-K next year once again and to those of you that are moving on; we wish you all the best always! We will remember both of these classes for a long time to come and we thank you for giving us the chance to get to know and love them and share their smiles each and every time we were together!

In love of children,
Mrs. Beth Miller & Miss Dayna DiFrancisco


I can’t believe it is time to say Goodbye to our Twos. We have had an amazing year and our little ones have grown so much. Your children are taking turns, sharing and helping each other. They love to listen to stories, build towers, paint and dance!

The last couple of weeks have been full of excitement. We watched as our caterpillars grew and then became butterflies. It was pure joy to watch the children observe the caterpillars and butterflies. We released the butterflies and the children waved goodbye. We talk about seeing them again in their gardens.

Last month we talked about “Things That Go! “. The children loved reading, singing and making crafts about different types of transportation. As expected, the Fire Engine and Ice Cream Trucks were definitely the favorites!

THANK YOU for an incredible year!

MARY & MISS MARIANNE PRE-K: To Our Family of Friends, Marianne and I are so proud of you all! We have been through so much together this year…you folks are the best! There are so many things we will remember about you: -how you shared and played so nicely together -how you remembered to wear your masks -how you were kind to each other without being reminded -how smart you all are -and especially what wonderful listeners you are! We also appreciate how you quietly “got centered” each morning before we started our day. I want to remind you of some our most important “Affirmations “, and hope you will continue to say them each day to yourself: “I am kind and caring” “It’s ok to make mistakes” “There is nobody better to be than me” “I am open and ready to learn” “I can do this! (Even if it is hard)” And lastly, “ I am happy, I am healthy, I am safe, I am calm and at ease”. Take these affirmations wherever you go, along with our love and best wishes as you move on to “The Big School”❤️ Mary and Marianne

Message From the Finance Officer

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