Our Executive Board

Current Executive Board

President – Karen Baccari
Vice President – Steve Cheng
Fundraising Co-Chair – Heather Herger
Fundraising Co-Chair – Maggie Murphy
Treasurer – Erica Hasbrouck
Recording Secretary – Michelle Koch
Director – Jennifer Morrisey

Thank you to our newest volunteers!  We appreciate the time & effort you dedicate to My First School.

They are here for you!  Contact them to let them know your thoughts!

The Executive Board is a committee of members that consists of parents and the Director. All board positions, with the exception of the Director, are volunteer positions.

Shall oversee the general operation of the school, represent parents questions and concerns when interacting with the director and teachers, serve as liaison between teachers, director and other board members; prepare agenda and preside at all executive board (once a month) and Parent Co-op meetings (4 times a year). Attend registration in September & October and fundraising events. Appoint and advise members of the committees. Computer necessary.